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Joint cluster webinar on Traceability & Verification in Food Supply Chains – The Technological Perspective

Abstract image with the following text: "Traceability and Verification in Food Supply Chains. The Technological Perspective. Friday 21st of February, 10:30-12:00 CET". The "Funded by the EU" logo is displayed on the top left corner. In the footer, the words "organised by:" are followed by the logos of the projects Watson, ALLIANCE, THEROS, CUES, Sea2See, FishEUtrust, TITAN and TealHelix.

Don't miss the next webinar from the Food Traceability and Verification Cluster that will be held on the 21st of February from 10.30-12.00 CET

The topic of this session is the technological perspective on traceability and verifications in food supply chains. During the webinar, representatives from 8 EU-funded projects will present the technologies being developed and tested by their respective teams. ALLIANCE, a member of the cluster since its inception a year ago, will be represented by Kostas Choumas from the University of Thessaly, who will give an overview of how blockchain technology can increase food traceability and transparency though tamperproof records.

A final Q&A session will give you the chance to ask questions to our speakers.

To sign up, please fill in this registration form.


Event Agenda

10.30-10.35 Introduction to the session

10.35-11.30 Presentations from:

  • Alliance
  • CUES
  • FishEUTrust
  • TealHelix

11.30-12.00 Questions from the audience


Can't make it? Don't worry, we have you covered. The event will be recorded and will be made available on the ALLIANCE YouTube channel shortly afterwards